We believe in involving our patients in helping us plan the development of the practice. We are looking for enthusiastic patients and carers to join our Patient Participation Group.
You could represent the views of our patients, participate in the health improvement of the local population and contribute to the continuous improvement of services
The Group meets four times a year with a GP and practice manager so we can hear your views.
If you would like to come along please contact our Practice Manager on 0113 3057809 or email kathy.harrison@nhs.net, or complete the attached form and email it to kathy.harrison@nhs.net.
We cannot promise to do everything we are asked but we can listen and will try our best to take into account patients’ views when making decisions about the practice development.
This practice carried out a local practice survey at the end of 2013. Please follow the attached links for a copy of the survey results and a copy of the PPG report.