Leeds Care Record

Leeds Care Record is a new confidential computer record containing your health and social care information from your GP, hospital, social care or other medical records.

What Kind of Information Will be Shared?

  • Problem diagnosis list: so health and social care professionals have a complete record of your care.
  • Medications: so everyone treating you knows what medicines you have been prescribed.
  • Allergies: to make sure you are not given medicine that might give you an adverse reaction.
  • Test results: to speed up your treatment and care.
  • Referrals, clinic letters and discharge information: to make sure the people caring for you have all the information they need about other treatment you are having elsewhere.
  • Address and telephone number: your up to date contact details.

Can anybody see my records?


Only care professionals directly involved in your care will see your Leeds Care Record.  It will not be shared with anyone who is not providing your treatment, care or support. Your details will not be made public, passed on to a third party not directly involved in your care or used for advertising.

How do I Know my Record is Secure?

By law, everyone working in, or for the NHS and adults’ and children’s social care must respect your privacy and keep your information safe. The Leeds Care Record is held on a secure computer system by the NHS in Leeds. The system records everyone who looks at a patient record, the time and date of access and the information they viewed. Data protection laws are clear and are taken seriously. Patient records are regularly checked that your record is only viewed by people who need to see it.

Can I Access my Leeds Care Record?


Under Article 15 of GDPR patients have the right to request access to any information that an organisation holds about them. Each individual organisation that contributes information to your Leeds Care Record has a responsibility to handle these “Subject Access Request”

Should you wish to access your records this way, contact the organisation who holds the part of the record you are interested in directly eg your GP, hospital, mental health trust or social care team.

Can I opt Out of my Records Being Shared?


You can choose not to have a Leeds Care Record, but sharing your medical and social care information will make it easier to provide the best care and support for you.
If you would like to opt out or have any queries please contact:

Tel: 0113 2064 2013.
Email: leeds.carerecord@nhs.net
Leeds Care Record
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
St James’s University Hospital,  Beckett Street
Leeds LS9 7TF